Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions, please reach out to support [at]


How does the Cydoc Smart Patient Intake Form© work?

A patient can complete the Cydoc intake form on their own device (e.g. a smartphone) or on a clinic-supplied tablet.

Within the form, the patient first indicates their visit reasons (chief complaints), such as itchy skin, high cholesterol, joint pain, or heart failure. Each Cydoc intake form is then dynamically targeted to those specific chief complaints. Thus, a patient coming in for diabetes and high blood pressure will be shown totally different clinical questions than a patient coming in for headaches. We offer over 130 condition-specific questionnaires spanning family medicine, urgent care, obstetrics and gynecology, and subspecialties. At the moment, each patient is allowed to select up to 3 chief complaints. This limit ensures that the generated note remains concise.

After the patient finishes the Cydoc intake form, Cydoc's AI system transforms the Q&A into a focused HPI/subjective section. Generated notes are available through Cydoc's secure web portal. A nurse or MA can paste the Cydoc subjective section into your EHR with a single click, as a part of your existing intake process.

You receive the Cydoc generated note within your EHR before the visit starts, enabling a more efficient visit and less time spent writing notes.

How much time does Cydoc save?

Cydoc saves 10 minutes per patient visit, according to a family medicine physician currently using Cydoc.
We've also conducted a research study that had the same result: a time savings of 10 minutes per visit. For more details, you can access the research paper here.

The Cydoc generated note helps save time in two ways:
1. By saving time asking the patient questions, since several clinically relevant questions have already been asked;
2. By saving time on typing, because the HPI/subjective part of the note is already written.

Is Cydoc compatible with my EHR?

Yes. Whether you use eCW, Epic, athenahealth, or another EHR - including custom-built EHRs - your practice can benefit from Cydoc's technology. Cydoc provides the generated note in our secure web portal. A nurse or MA can quickly copy and paste the Cydoc generated note from the web portal into the appropriate field of your EMR with a single click, using our convenient "Copy Note" button. The process takes fewer than 2 seconds as part of your existing patient check-in workflow. No lengthy integration steps are needed, and you can start using Cydoc the same day that you sign up. From the clinician's perspective, the generated note appears within the appropriate field of their EHR before the visit starts.

We're also currently working on bidirectional EHR integrations. If you'd like to request an integration with your EHR, please contact us.

Is Cydoc HIPAA-compliant?

Yes. Cydoc uses a HIPAA-compliant backend with rigorous security in place to ensure all protected health information remains safe.

How do I start using Cydoc in my clinic?

To start using Cydoc, the first step is to book a demo using this link.

Intake Form Content

Can I use Cydoc's software with new patients and returning patients?

Yes. You can use Cydoc's software with new patients as well as returning patients.

What information is collected from patients through the Cydoc Smart Patient Intake Form©?

Cydoc's intake form is automatically targeted to your patient's chief complaints.

Each chief complaint questionnaire is generated using Cydoc's proprietary AI technology. Cydoc uses medical reasoning to ask patients focused, relevant questions. The kinds of questions that are asked depend upon the chief complaint. For example, the diabetes questionnaire asks patients about blood sugar monitoring and whether they've had a foot exam, eye exam, or dental exam, while the upper respiratory infection questionnaire ("cold," in the patient view) asks patients about specific symptoms like cough and fever.

What chief complaints are included in Cydoc's software?

We currently offer over 130 chief complaints spanning family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, urgent care, and subspecialties. We are constantly adding new chief complaints. To request addition of another chief complaint at no additional cost, please email support [at]

A partial list of available chief complaints is shown below. Note that patients are shown patient-friendly versions of condition names, e.g. "High Blood Pressure" instead of "Hypertension."

Family Medicine/Internal Medicine/Urgent Care:

Abdominal Pain • Acne • ADHD • Aging Challenges and Dementia • Alcohol Use Disorder Screening • Allergies • Animal Bite/Scratch • Ankle Pain • Annual Physical Exam Anxiety • Asthma • Back Pain • Bipolar Disorder • Bloating • Chest Pain • Coagulopathy •Concentration Problems • Concussion/TBI • Confusion • Congenital Heart Disease • Conjunctivitis • Constipation • COPD • CoughDepression • Details of a Previous Birth • Diabetes • Diarrhea • Diet • Difficulty Swallowing • Dizziness or Vertigo • Dry Skin • Ear Pain • Eczema • Employment Concerns • Epilepsy or Seizure • Esophageal Cancer Screening • Exercise • Eye Pain • Fatigue • Fever • GERD/Reflux • GI Bleed • Hair Loss/Alopecia • Headache • Hearing Loss • Heart Failure • Hematemesis • Hemoptysis • Hoarseness or Voice Changes • Hyperlipidemia Hypertension • Hyperthyroidism • Hypothyroidism • IBD (Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn’s) • Illness After Travel • Immunosuppression • Insect Bite • Insomnia •  Jaundice • Joint Pain or Arthritis • Knee Pain •  Leg Pain • Liver Disease • Living Situation •  Lung Cancer Risk Evaluation • Lupus • Lymphadenopathy • Memory Problems • Multiple Sclerosis • Muscle Pain • Nail Changes • Nausea • Neck Pain •  Nosebleeds/Epistaxis • Numbness •  Opiate Use • Osteoporosis • Pacemaker Issue • Pain • Palpitations • Peripheral Edema • Pneumothorax • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) •  Post-Surgery • Prior Myocardial Infarction • Pruritic Skin • Psoriasis • Pulmonary Embolism • Rash • Runny Nose/Rhinorrhea •  Sarcoidosis • Seborrheic Dermatitis • Shortness of Breath •  Shoulder Pain • Skin Lesion • Smoking/Tobacco Use • Sore Throat • Stroke • Suicide Attempt • Suicide Risk Assessment • Suspected DVT •  Suspected Pneumonia • Syncope • Tingling • Travel History: Food and Drink • Travel History: Malaria Risk • Tuberculosis • Upper Respiratory InfectionUrinary Symptoms/UTI • Vision Problems • Vomiting • Weight Gain or Loss • Well Child (1m) • Well Child (2m) • Well Child (4m) • Well Child (6m) • Well Child (9m) • Well Child (1yr) • Well Child (15m) • Well Child (18m) • Well Child (2yr) • Well Child (2.5yr) • Well Child (3yr) • Well Child (4yr) • Well Child (5yr) • Wheezing • Wrist Pain

Obstetrics & Gynecology:

Annual Gyn Exam/Well Woman Visit • Birth Control Consultation • Breast Concerns (Breast Pain, Breast Lump, and/or Nipple Discharge) • Changes in Vaginal Discharge • Difficulty Conceiving/Recurrent Pregnancy Loss/Infertility Consult • Early Pregnancy Bleeding and/or Pain • Genital Symptoms/STI • Heavy Periods • Hot Flashes • Irregular Periods/More Frequent Periods/Less Frequent Periods • Low Libido • Painful Intercourse • Painful Periods/Menstrual Cramping • Pre-Conception Counseling • Pregnancy Genetic Counseling • Prenatal Care • Vaginal Dryness

What do Cydoc generated notes look like?

In the current release of Cydoc's software, the generated note includes an HPI/subjective section consisting of focused text for up to three chief complaints. The patient's name and pronouns are automatically used where relevant. Below are some examples of notes generated by Cydoc's software for fake unnamed patients with pronoun "they":

Monitors blood glucose at home. Uses finger prick and test strips. Fasting blood glucose 80 to 110. Nonfasting blood glucose 140 to 160. Checks blood sugar 3 times in 24 hours. Reports hypoglycemia episode. Experienced hypoglycemia symptoms: dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Reports numbness and tingling. Has had a foot exam and a dental exam this year. Has not had a diabetic eye exam.

Reports difficulty with falling asleep and staying asleep. Sleeps 7 hours per night. Reports snoring. Does not feel refreshed when they wake up. Feels sleepy during the day. Takes melatonin to help with sleep.

Genital Symptoms/STI
Reports genital lesions and genital pain. Reports prior STI testing. History of chlamydia and gonorrhea. Prior STI treatment with oral medication and with injected medication. Sexual partner recently diagnosed with chlamydia and genital herpes. White vaginal discharge. No fishy odor or cheesy/curdy appearance.

Upper Respiratory Infection
Reports sore throat, rhinorrhea, cough, sinus congestion, sneezing, and body aches. Fever to 101 degrees. Patient measured temperature with a thermometer. Started 3 days ago. Recent sick contacts. History of asthma and allergies.

Reports leg swelling. Denies abdominal pain, chest pain, dyspnea, or weakness. Family history of heart disease before age 50 in male relatives and heart disease before age 60 in female relatives. Not currently smoking. Exercises 3x per week.

Monitors BP from home. Home systolic is 130 to 140. Home diastolic is 70 to 80. Weight increased over the past year. Patient currently drinking alcohol.

Urinary Symptoms/UTI
Reports dysuria and burning with urination. Reports fever and loss of appetite. Denies chills, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fatigue, muscle cramps, pruritus, or confusion. Urine is light yellow and cloudy. Patient is sexually active.

Will it be easy for my patients to complete Cydoc's form?

Yes! Cydoc intake forms are designed to be easy to complete. We have a simple user interface, and we ask only targeted questions, ensuring that your patients can quickly complete the form. Any patient who can use a smartphone, tablet, or computer can complete a Cydoc intake form.

For patients who do not own a smartphone, or who need a larger screen size/larger font size, a clinic-owned iPad or tablet can be used to initiate a Cydoc intake form.

Patient-friendly vocabulary is used throughout the Cydoc intake forms. This patient-friendly vocabulary is then mapped to clinical vocabulary during our note generation process. Thus, where a patient sees "high blood pressure," a clinician sees "hypertension." Where a patient sees "itching," a clinician sees "pruritus."

Accounts & Billing

How many users can I invite to my clinic's account?

There is no limit to the number of users affiliated with your clinic's account. When you click "Sign Up" you create a manager account for your clinic. You can then use the Manager Dashboard to send invitations to specific people affiliated with your clinic, so that they can each create their own user login credentials. For example, a clinic may have physician, NP, PA, medical assistant, and nurse users. Each user can view generated notes for your clinic.

How much does Cydoc cost?

Cydoc offers a free trial, followed by a monthly subscription based on the number of clinicians at the practice. Each clinician is $99 per month

How do I update my account information?

You can update your account information using the settings accessible in the upper right-hand corner after you log in.

Can I customize how Cydoc works for my practice?

Yes. Cydoc can create customized intake forms for your practice, which you can link with your account.

Can I use Cydoc from a phone/tablet/laptop/computer?

Yes. Cydoc's user interface is optimized for all screen sizes, including phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.